What do you “watch”?

Do you have a favorite series to play on your streaming service while you do other things?  I have numerous that I will have on while I’m knitting or crocheting.  Many of them I have “watched” several times through.


Some of the ones I’ve watched and rewatched are Game of Thrones, Orange Is The New Black, Sons of Anarchy, Call The Midwife, Wentworth, Fuller House, Friends, Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD and Doctor Who.  I’m sure there are more but they are not coming to mind at the moment.  I’m always on the lookout for new series to watch.  Do you have any suggestions?


Currently, I have Game of Thrones on while I’m working on a knit dishcloth and a crochet amigurumi.  I like to have projects going in both so that I can switch when I need a break from one.  The dishcloth is an adaptation of the classic “Sunbonnet Sue”.  The amigurumi is a chick in  bunny button flap pajamas.  I plan on sharing pictures of both when they are ready.


Today will be a day spent indoors working with fiber and doing some housework as we are expecting some winter precipitation.  They are calling for up to 3 inches of snow.  Since I’m in the South, they have closed the schools for today.  Some may think that Southerners freak out too much over snow and/or ice.  We don’t normally get it therefore we don’t have all the equipment that our neighbors in the North do.


Well, I’ve gone off in several directions in this post.  Time for me to get back to my fiber though.

Here comes Peter Cottontail

Easter is just under two weeks away.  Are you looking for a cute and unique idea to make a basket for the little ones in your life?  Check out these four crochet patterns from Briana K.  She offers the options of a unicorn, bunny, dinosaur and dragon.  Something for everyone.

They can also be used to make basic baskets to use around your house.  How about using the character ones or the basic as containers to make gift baskets for baby or bridal showers?  I could see myself using some of these when I’m working with fiber.

You can purchase any or all of the patterns on Ravelry.  Click on the names to go directly to the pattern pages:  Unicorn, Bunny, Dinosaur or Dragon.

I plan on picking up all four of them and any future basket designs she delivers.  If you don’t crochet and would like one please contact me to discuss.

Merry Christmas


First things first.  I would like to wish all of you reading this a Merry Christmas.  Hopefully you have enjoyed your day so far and received most, if not all, of what you wanted.  We went to the 10:30 pm candlelight service at Church last night.  Arrived home just after midnight.  I jokingly asked if we could open presents then since it was officially Christmas.  We all ended up going to bed though and opening our gifts this morning at a decent hour.

I wanted to share with you the gifts I received.  The first one is this handcrafted crochet mouse amigurumi.  In this picture he is “standing” on the loveseat that is in the computer room.  There’s a story behind him.  My family nickname is Mickey Mouse.  My Uncle Dan still calls me Mouse to this day.  My mama, who passed in March 2013, would always get me mouse items.  This guy was commissioned by my stepdad through our LYS (local yarn shop).001 I have joked that a certain saying is very true with me.  “I’m TARHEEL born, TARHEEL bred and I’ll be a TARHEEL ’til the day I’m dead”.  Even when I was living in Michigan I still backed the UNC Tarheels.  This new glass will be perfect for my Sweet Tea that I drink.004I was recently introduced to Doctor Who by several people at the LYS I frequent.  This is a TARDIS cookie jar that when you close the lid the light on top flashes and it make the noise the TARDIS makes when it is operating.002   This present truly had me “geeking out”.  I have decided that the 10th Doctor, portrayed by David Tennant, is my Doctor.  This came from my stepdad’s sister and I love the message on the gift card, “I understand this is not FULLY functional, but still……..”.  When I posted this picture on her Facebook timeline along with the comment that I was already “annoying” her brother with it she responded with “So it truly is a useful item!”.  I’ve just started stepdad with watching Doctor Who.  He’s currently on the second episode of the 9th Doctor.006

Last, but not least, my first official Doctor Who shirt.  I have used a bleaching technique from another blogger to make some of my own but I’m loving this one.

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I’ll share the presents I crocheted for a few people in another post.

Until then, see you in the fiber world.

Blanket of many colors

There’s an interesting story behind this blanket.  You might recognize it from the top of my blog.  I had many remnants of yarn skeins.  I decided to make a “scrap” blanket from them.  It was originally started as a basic blanket in single crochet but it wasn’t turning out like I thought it would.  I then came across Red Heart’s Corner to Corner Throw pattern.  The pattern uses slip stitch, chain and double crochet.  Figured it would be easy enough to create in the evening while relaxing so I “frogged” what I had done on the single crochet blanket and started this one.  I chose to do a square version even though there is a way to make it a rectangle.

012I had originally planned to make the border with the leftover yarn as well.  Changed my mind though when my stepdad sent me some of the yarn that my mama had.  I found this lovely eggshell color and decided it would make a perfect frame around color craziness I had going on in the blanket.  I chose not to use the border that was in the pattern.  Instead I did 4 rounds of single crochet finished off with a round of reverse single crochet.  018I love the way this blanket turned out.  It is truly one of a kind.  It measures approximately 6 feet by 6 feet.  Currently it resides in my vehicle as my emergency blanket.

Do you have a story behind a project you have completed?  I would love to hear them.

Welcome to my little corner of the world…….

Hi there.  My name is Erin and I’m the person behind Freund’s Fibers.

I learned to crochet over 30 years ago.  My Aunt started me with making chains to use as straps on a bikini that she was making for my baby doll from scrap fabric.  I’ve learned many things over the years and am still learning things every day.  It was just last year that I made my first hat.  In the past year I’ve also started testing patterns for some very talented designers.  I’ve been debating about trying my hand at designing and writing patterns myself but that’s still up in the air at the moment.

I taught myself to knit about 4 years ago from an old book (from the 1950’s) that I picked up at a yard sale.  My first project that I completed was a garter stitch scarf made with two strands of Homespun held together on size 19 needles.  I’m pretty proud of that scarf.  About this time last year my stepdad’s sister approached me about making a certain scarf for her significant other.  For those who are Whovians you might be able to guess what scarf I’m talking about.  Luckily that is also done in garter stitch.  When I was asked to make it I only knew how to do the knit stitch.  I’ve since learned to purl.  The scarf took me approximately 6 months to make but it was very well received.  I will have to post a picture once I figure out how to do that here.

Well, that’s a little bit about me.  Want to know anything else?  Just ask.

I’m going to head off and play with my fiber.  See you next time.